AMBA Membership Committee Report: January 2023

Welcome to 2023, a year that seems poised to hold good potential for Alberta in general, and our Steel Building Market in particular. Alberta has always persevered through the ups and downs of political and economic winds of change. Strong indications are that we will see increased population growth and economic activity, as we build on our oil and gas legacy and at the same time, transition into alternative energy markets and carbon capture and storage. 

With this market strength, we will continue to see demand for labour in all sectors of the construction industry, and Steel Building Systems Erectors in particular. As a Board, our 2023 focus will be on AMBA Membership growth and support for new apprentices in the metal building systems trade. In 2022, AMBA increased bursary and award opportunities for new and progressing apprentices. We look forward to hearing from our members at our April 2023 Annual General Meeting on how we can better work together to support Metal Building System Erectors (MBSE).

The strength of our association relies on a strong membership that collectively represents a cross-section of our industry. AMBA continues to remain a strong unified voice for our members who are actively involved in the Metal Building Systems market across the province – suppliers, manufacturers, erectors, sub-trades and consultants – all are welcome!

We hope that you all will continue to encourage friends, acquaintances, and even competitors to not only join AMBA, but to also enroll employees in apprenticeship programs, with an eye on increasing the number of MBSE in Alberta.

I know from personal experience that the number one question I hear from contractors across the province is for a list of capable and qualified erectors.

As always, if you know of anyone working in the industry who you think should be a member, please pass their information on to any of the Board members so that we can encourage them to join.  There is strength in numbers and we want to continue to grow the Association for future generations of MBSE specialists and metal-building industry participants.

To ‘steel’ a line from Dofasco’s marketing in the 70’s: Our Product Is Steel, But our Strength Is People

Happy New Year!